- What
- Graduation
- When
- 6/18/2021, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
- Where
- Bobby Morrow Stadium
Graduation Day Information -
Security Check and Temperature Check will take place in the M - Wing
To help the flow of traffic & security check, report to the M-Wing at your assigned time to Check-in before going to the Varsity Gym or to the Cafeteria.
5:00 PM ~ Seniors with last name beginning with (A, B & M, N, O)
5:15 PM ~ Seniors with last name beginning with (C, D & P, Q, R)
5:30 PM ~ Seniors with last name beginning with (E, F, G & S, T)
5:45 PM ~ Seniors with last name beginning with (H, I, J, K, L & U, V, W, Y, Z)
Once you have been cleared by security, report to the following assigned area:
A-L Seniors report to the Varsity Gym
M-Z Seniors report to the Cafeteria